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In this post, we’ll discuss the Top 5 Classroom Layouts. Classroom design plays a vital role in creating the ideal learning environment. Whether you’re a teacher looking to refresh your classroom, a designer, or school administrator interested in learning more about effective learning spaces. Read out latest blog post and watch the video to learn about the top layouts for classroom spaces.

5 Top Layouts

Some of the most popular classroom layouts include:

1. U-Shape or Horseshoe
A U-shape or horseshoe layout gives the teacher line of sight for all students, making it easier for the teacher to interact with everyone. The horseshoe layout is great for class presentations and group discussions.


2. Pods or Groups
Pods, or groups of tables, are arranged in groups of four, encouraging collaborative learning, group work and discussions. With the rise of project based learning this layout has increased in popularity.


3. Runway
The runway layout is when two groups of students face each other with a large open area in the middle. This is the most popular layout when setting up for a debate. Or the teacher can use the open space when preparing a demonstration for students.


4. Circle
Round Table layouts are where all students face each other in a circle. This layout is great for promoting inclusivity because all students feel like their voices have equal contribution in the conversation.


5. Traditional
The traditional classroom layout has desks in rows facing forward grouped into rows and columns. This layout gives teachers ample space to move in between rows and give scholars the individualized instruction they require. While it used to be the main way classrooms were arranged, now it is mainly used for independent study, direct instruction, and testing.


These are just a few wonderful layouts that can be made possible by SAFFE Furniture’s fantastic multipurpose classroom tables. If you need a company that is experienced in classroom layout design, and all your educational furniture needs, look no further than SAFFE Furniture. Our team will work with you to determine your unique needs, and has the tools and expertise to provide customized solutions. To create a learning environment that inspires, contact Saffe Furniture today!

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